Invictus: Outrage logo

Our story opens in 2006 as the teenage superhero, Willa Yancey—still known as Invictus—steps up to fill the gap left by the Decimation, when Earth lost more than one out of every ten superheroes battling the alien menace of the Skerlings. None of the world’s supervillains had sacrificed, and now New Acadia is facing an emerging threat: savage beast-men are prowling the back streets and the wooded paths of Great Meadow Park. Lycanthrops? Mutants? Where are they coming from? Who or what is behind them?
In the aftermath of “I Want You” (G-Men United #1), modern day Willa continues the tale she began in G-Men United #2’s “Who is Outrage?”. Join Agent Kirby in learning the origin of New Acadia’s strongest meta-human—Outrage—as she and her roommate, Dena Wolf seek to solve the mystery of the Beast-Men of New Acadia.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Gilbert Monsanto
Letters by Eric N. Bennett
20-page story
This issues two backup features tie in with Jim’s recently released novel The Demon Priest. (The Demon Priest himself appeared in Jim’s stories in G-Man 3in1, issues #1 & 2.)
backup story 1: Lileilah’s Story, Part 1
The story of Lileilah, the Fallen Angel, starts uncountable Æons ago in the Celestial Garden where she prepared sentient sparks to be born into the world, looked over by the guardian Watchers. Then the Watchers and Lileilah herself begin their fall.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Dean Juliette  (or Mel Ford)

Letters by Eric N. Bennett
2-page story
backup story 2: The Night Lili
Three decades after the Demon Wars, one of the Lilim, the children of Lilith, reappears in New Acadia destined to battle the heroes of Jim Burrows’ novel, The Demon Priest. Her story starts here.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Arnaldo dos Santos Ferreira Júnior
Letters by Eric N. Bennett
6-page story
Covers by Alan Faria, Steven Butler, and Tom Grindberg
Shipping June 2022
Full Color
Page Count: 28
Print $10.00
We sell exclusively on Kickstarter every February & August


Beautiful, rich, and powerful, a fashion model turned fashion and media mogul, Midnight Blue, wields her accumulated wealth for the betterment of the oppressed and less powerful—at least that’s what she tells herself. But Midnight has her dark side, and there are those eager to carry out her wishes and whims. The corrupt and powerful will fall before her power, both overt and covert. As they do, Outrage finds herself drawn into the fray ‘Brought to You by Midnight Blue’.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Gilbert Monsanto
Letters by Francisco Zamora
Backup story 1Part 2 of ‘The Night Lili’ introduces True Two, the team of True Blue and Richard the True Knight, first seen in Jim Burrows’ novel The Demon Priest.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Mel Ford
Letters by Eric N. Bennett
Backup story 2: The fallen angel Lileilah continues her journey towards the role of modern-day superhero in ‘The Tale of Red Halo, part 2’.
 Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Dean Juliette
Colors by Danilo Leão
Letters by Francisco Zamora
Main Cover by Dean Julette
Panorama Cover by Gilbert Monsanto
Variant Cover by Steven Butler
G-Woman Cover by Mike Cody
B&W Artist Cover by Steven Butler
Shipping May 2023
Full Color
Page Count: 28
Print $10.00
We sell exclusively on Kickstarter every February & August

Midnight Blue, Part 2: With the FBI after her for the supposed killing of Murder Hornet and the attempted murder of Lionheart, the World’s Wealthiest Superhero, Outrage must rely on the rest of Team Invictus and her other allies. Tensions grow between the new FBI Director and both the agency’s own ‘caped agent’ program and FALCON. All the while Midnight Blue’s MB News stirs the controversies around the heroes, the murders, and the feds. Is anywhere in the world—or out of it—safe?
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Gilbert Monsanto
Letters by Mike W. Belcher
Main Cover by Gilbert Monsanto
4th Anniversary Cover by Gilbert Monsanto
Variant Cover by Steven Butler with colors by Gilbert Monsanto
B&W Artist Cover by Steven Butler
Bonus Cover by Gilbert Monsanto
Shipping December 2023
Full Color
Page Count: 20
Print $10.00
We sell exclusively on Kickstarter every February & August


Gilbert Monsanto
Samir Simão

Part 3 of “Midnight Blue” finds Outrage in jail for the murder of Murder Hornet and the attempt on Lionheart while her Invictus teammates and allies in the Household and FALCON try to track down the real culprits. Meanwhile, The Man and his Minions work to cover their tracks with the help of a new member. It all comes to a head at the conclusion of Midnight Blue.
Story by Jim Burrows
Art by Gilbert Monsanto
Letters by Mike W. Belcher
Main Cover by Gilbert Monsanto
Variant Cover by Samir Simão
Shipping December 2023
Full Color
Page Count: 20
Print $10.00
We sell exclusively on Kickstarter every February & August


In 2006 the teenage superhero, Willa Yancey—still known as Invictus—steps up to fill the gap left by the Decimation, when Earth lost more than one out of every ten superheroes battling the alien menace of the Skerlings.
None of the world’s supervillains had sacrificed, and now New Acadia is facing an emerging threat: savage beast-men are prowling the back streets and the wooded paths of Great Meadow Park. Lycanthrops? Mutants? Where are they coming from? Who or what is behind them? In the aftermath of I Want You (G-Men United #1), modern-day Willa continues the tale she began in G-Men United #2’s Who is Outrage?. Join Agent Kirby in learning the origin of New Acadia’s strongest meta-human—Outrage—as she and her roommate, Dena Wolf seek to solve the mystery of the Beast-Men of New Acadia. Beautiful, rich, and powerful, a fashion model turned fashion and media mogul, Midnight Blue, wields her accumulated wealth for the betterment of the oppressed and less powerful—at least that’s what she tells herself. But Midnight has her dark side, and there are those eager to carry out her wishes and whims. The corrupt and powerful will fall before her power, both overt and covert. As they do, Outrage finds herself drawn into the fray of ‘Brought to You by Midnight Blue’. Midnight Blue, Part 2: With the FBI after her for the supposed killing of Murder Hornet and the attempted murder of Lionheart, the World’s Wealthiest Superhero, Outrage must rely on the rest of Team Invictus and her other allies. Tensions grow between the new FBI Director and both the agency’s own ‘caped agent’ program and FALCON. All the while Midnight Blue’s MB News stirs the controversies around the heroes, the murders, and the feds. Is anywhere in the world—or out of it—safe? Part 3 of Midnight Blue finds Outrage in jail for the murder of Murder Hornet and the attempt on Lionheart while her Invictus teammates and allies in the Household and FALCON try to track down the real culprits. Meanwhile, The Man and his Minions work to cover their tracks with the help of a new member. It all comes to a head after Midnight Blue.
Collecting Invicus: Outrage #1-4
Writen by Jim Burrows
Art by Gilbert Monsanto, Tom Grindberg, and Alan Faria
Letters by Eric N. Bennett, Francisco Zamora, and Mike W. Belcherm
Color by Gilbert Monsanto and Alan Faria
Standard Sized Trade Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 80
Print $19.99
Digital $9.99

We sell our Trade Paperbacks exclusively on IndyPlanet