Created by Lee Gaston
Art by Lee Gaston
REAL NAME: Tyr Odinson
KNOWN ALIASES: Tyr One-Hand, God of Justice, Lord of War
IDENTITY: Publicly known
OCCUPATION: God of War, Adventurer
CITIZENSHIP: Citizen of Asgard
KNOWN RELATIVES: Odin (Father), Frigg (Mother), Baldr, Hermod (Brothers), Thor, Vidar, Heimdall (Half-brothers), Loki (Step-Brother), Zisa (Wife)
KNOWN ALLIES: Thor, Aésir, Taranis
MAJOR ADVERSARIES: Fenrir, Jotun, Trolls
USUAL BASE OF OPERATIONS: Mobile between Asgard and Midgard (Earth)
FIRST APPEARANCE: G-Men United #4 (February, 2024)
HEIGHT: 6’5” (195 cm)
WEIGHT: 260 lbs. (118 kg)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Tyr is missing his right hand.
Tyr is the Norse God of War, and the Bringer of Justice within Asgard and the Nine Realms. He is one of the Sons of Odin, All-Father to the Gods of Asgard, and brother to Thor. He is one of the physically strongest among the gods, second only to Thor himself.
Tyr lost his right hand in antiquity, sacrificing it to help bind the great wolf Fenrir, who is destined to remain chained until the day of Ragnarök.
Tyr has returned to Midgard (Earth) at the request of Odin, as a great battle has been foretold to be looming in the future. Upon arriving on Earth, he immediately encountered a Rock Troll named Skagl, who had been killing and eating mortals. Tyr killed Skagl after the troll attacked him.
Tyr spent an extended amount of time on Midgard, not only battling threats from the Nine Realms but also teaming with a diverse group of powered mortals. However, his father Odin soon came to him and reminded him of his true obligations and mission. Tyr then left the company of these mortals to return to his obligations.
It was in pursuit of a rogue Jötunn that Tyr encountered the Celtic Thunder God Taranis. After a brief confrontation with Taranis, Tyr and the Thunderer worked together to quickly dispatch their giant foe. And despite the blood feud that has existed between their peoples from ancient times, Tyr and Taranis became fast friends.
Tyr is incredibly strong and is known for his great feats of strength. He possesses strength on par with Thor, easily in the Class 100 range. Additionally, his Asgardian physiology is much more robust and durable than that of mortals. He is bulletproof, and is highly resistant to weapons and energy-based attacks, as well as extremes in temperature. Additionally, like all Asgardians, he is effectively immortal as long as he routinely partakes of the Golden Apples of Idunn.
As the God of War, Tyr possesses a highly tactical mind and is skilled in all manner of combat. He even has an instinctual comprehension of any and all weaponry, enabling him to master them in short order.
Tyr wears armor made of Asgardian steel forged by dwarves, which can withstand large amounts of force.
Tyr’s greatest weapon is his axe Loptspretta, or “Sky-Splitter”, which allows him to fly. Additionally, the axe will return to his hand when thrown, and can “split’ open the air in order to open portals to any of the Nine Realms. Loptspretta is also unbreakable.