Created by Jim Burrows.
Art by Mike Cody

Maiden America


Real Name: Amelia “Mia” Peeble
Identity: Public
Occupation: Influencer/Activist
Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
Citizenship: US Citizen
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: General Lysander Peeble (father)
Known Allies: Lone St★Ranger
Group Affiliations: Texas Strangers
Base of Operations: Houston, Texas; New York City
Education: English major, American Politics minor, West Point
First Appearance: Simon N. Kirby, the Agent #4 (Oct 2021), Previewed on Facebook, Sep 8, 2017
Height: 5′ 11″ (180 cm)
Weight: 140 lbs (64 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond


Mia Peeble comes from a prominent family that has lived in the New Acadia area since before it became a city of its own, a family that has served their country since its founding. Merchants and sea captains, they started out as a Navy family, but in 1836, William Peeble, moved by the sacrifice of Col. Crockett, joined the revolution of the Texians. Peebles served in the Texas Rangers, the US Army and the Army Air Corps. During her teenage years, Mia, living in New York City, became famous as an heiress, model and underage party girl, and generally for being famous.

After 9/11, she decided to follow her father, General Lysander Peeble, into the Army and transferred from SMU to West Point in mid-semester, where she surprised everyone by proving to be a star athlete on the basketball team. She served a decade in the Army, including three tours in Iraq, mustering out in 2015. At first, she returned to her “famous for being famous” party-girl lifestyle, but soon, seeing the emergence of the meta-human, criminal anarchist Jade Helm as an existential threat, she adopted the identity of Maiden America. Only then did anyone learn that she was a metahuman, with TK-based powers.


Maiden America possesses the Ψ3Tk gene, which presents in a number of telekinetics-based powers, all of which directly affect her own body. These include flight, superhuman strength, enhanced speed and limited invulnerability. Lacking the Ψ3Tp gene to provide supersenses, she has always had to temper her superspeed. Until she took the Maiden America role, she had also held back on flight and strength. Since becoming a superhero, she has exercised those powers and they have grown substantially.

Through the General and her own connections, Mia has obtained a shield made of the skin material salvaged from the Little Green Man’s spaceship. It completely absorbs the energy of all kinetic attacks. Mia has not yet learned how to discharge the stored energy, though once in the heat of battle she did manage to tap it for one devastating blow.

Maiden America vs Outrage Invictus No3
Maiden America vs Outrage from Invictus: Outrage #3. Art by Gilbert Monsanto.