Created by: Eric N. Bennett
Art by: Cody Conyers
REAL NAME: Belisama
IDENTITY: Secret; the general public does not believe her to be an actual goddess
OCCUPATION: Goddess of Fire and Inspiration
CITIZENSHIP: Citizen of Otherworld
KNOWN RELATIVES: Belenos (Brother)
KNOWN ALLIES: KNOWN ALLIES: Belenos, Macha, Belenos, Macha
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: The gods of Avalorr
BASE OF OPERATIONS: The Celestial City of Avalorr, in the dimension of Otherworld
EDUCATION: Unrevealed
FIRST APPEARANCE: Taranis the Thunderlord #0 (February, 2019)
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180 cm)
WEIGHT: 340 lbs (154 kg)
EYES: Green
HAIR: Red-Orange
Born following the departure of the gods of Avalorr from Vanaheim, little is known of the past of the goddess Belisama and her brother Belenos. Hailed as the goddess of fire, crafts, and light, she was often invoked by artisans for inspiration across the old world (see Belenos).
Like her brother, Belisama fairly embodies joyful life, and thrills with each and every moment.
Belisama possesses the conventional superhuman physical attributes of a female goddess of Avalorr. She can lift (press) approximately 20 tons and is immune to all diseases. Additionally, her bone and muscle tissue is approximately three times as dense as similar human tissue, and her metabolism grants her superhuman endurance in all physical activities.
As the goddess of fire and light, Belisama possesses the ability to generate and control flame and light, in all their forms, whether created by herself or already manifested. Additionally, as the goddess of inspiration and the arts, she can cause the light of creativity to shine in others, aiding them in problem solving or other endeavors.