RICH REVIEWS: Handbook of the G-Man Universe, 2020


Title: Handbook of the G-Man Universe, 2020
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Creators: Leon Mallett, Rik Offenberger, Eric N. Bennett
Writer: Rik Offenberger
Artist: Gilbert Monsanto
Price: $ 2.50 US (Digital)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This Who’s Who book gives you a detailed yet brief description of characters both heroes and villains who appear in the G-Man Universe.
The artwork is outstanding and has a Jack Kirby feel to it.
Ariel-51 is a cute looking character and he is definitely a unique one. Spider-Squirrel now he has a lot of spider qualities or squirrel ones depending on how you look at them.
The characters here are in a style from the past like from the Golden or Silver Age of comics when super-heroes were more clear on being heroes or villains.
This listing of characters contains so many interesting heroes and villains. Some are patriotic in nature, some do copy some from another Marvelous Company. Others are just unique or even more normal while being anything but normal.
The G-Man Universe is coming to life and it is doing so with an explosion.

Richard Vasseur